The musical foundation of the Rock Hill High School Band can be found in student engagement in one of the multiple concert band ensembles. These tiered ensembles provide for musical growth and development as they continue their careers with the band program. The concert bands perform concerts at the school on a regular basis. The concert bands will also perform at the SCBDA Concert Performance Assessment, consistently earning superior ratings in multiple classifications.
Fall Concert Band – While the marching band class is mostly focused on the competitive production, the group will rehearse concert band music on Wednesdays during the season and daily after the completion of the competitive season. This ensemble performs a winter concert in December.
Symphonic Band – The Symphonic Band is the top ensemble, performing some of the most demanding music for wind band. Students selected for this ensemble represent the top musicians in the band program.
Concert Band– In the Concert Band and our Instrumental Ensemble, students are focused on developing their musical skills and knowledge to prepare for advanced literature, audition skills, and independent musical growth.